Wilderness Athlete Podcast
For years we’ve had discussions behind closed doors, on the road, in meetings, and in hotel rooms that extend well beyond supplements. Well, it’s time to turn the mic on and hit record. Wilderness Athlete is far more than an outdoor nutrition company, it’s a way of life that’s personified by the complex personalities who are pulled by a spirit of rugged individualism, self-reliance, and the unknowns of wild places. Filled with adventure, wisdom, education, and humor, we’re going to bring you insightful dialogue with the rugged people who call themselves Wilderness Athletes.
23 episodes
Train to Hunt is BACK - Kevin, Chris, and Kenton Clairmont
The goal of a wilderness athlete, put simply, is to run up a mountain, shoot an animal, and carry the animal back down. Well, that’s exactly what Train to Hunt is about. Understandably, over the past few years, there was some struggle involved ...
"Euro Style" with Kevin and Pedro Ampuero
This episode of the podcast features one of our favorite people in the world. Pedro Ampuero is among the most extreme hunters alive today and has both the rap sheet and occupation to prove it as the manager of the European division of KUIU ultr...
"Wake Up Call" - With Kevin and Willi Schmidt
Willi Schmidt is a longtime friend of WA and has been a great example of the type of hunter-athlete we all strive to be. He’s had a pretty crazy year, and we thought it would be great to have him on to tell us about it.Willi, in good he...
SQUID GAINZ – Kevin Guillen, KOB, Pedram, and Levi
We sat down with the team to talk about our inner office fitness challenge, “Squid Gainz.” It was blood thirsty competitive, ridiculous at times, a little fun, and majorly eye opening. Get to know the people who make this great company possible...
“The Bird Dog Vet” with Kevin and Dr. Seth Bynum
Dr. Seth Bynum is a veterinarian, an avid bird hunter, and a talented photographer – not necessarily in that order. It’s not every day when conversations with your vet and your hunting buddies can overlap, but that’s what we get when Seth...
Catching up with Remi Warren - Remi Warren, Chris Denham and Kevin Guillen
Remi Warren sits down with us at the 2022 Sheep Show to share the adventures of a new born who’s always along for the ride, his new podcast that’s about to spread its wings, and the big bull and culinary tricks of 2021.
Season 2
Episode 18
“Fit For Life” - Matt Hewett, Kevin Guillen
CrossFit Games athlete, Director of Athletic Performance at Tennessee Tech, and avid outdoorsman Matt Hewett drops some knowledge on us from his lifelong career of building muscle, endurance, and speed. Without a doubt, there are some invaluabl...
Brush With Death - Tana Grenda, Trevor Schneider, Kevin Guillen.
Tana Grena and her brother Trevor Schneider recount the “this is how it ends” moments following 3 well placed shots then a jammed rifle on a 1,000+ pound Alaska Brown Bear. Running for their lives and retrieving a pist...
Off the Grid - Tana Grenda
Living hundreds of miles from the nearest road system in remote bush Alaska, Tana Grenda has a different need than most for staying fit, healthy, and prepared. As a pilot, parent, hunter, podcaster, and nutrition and fitness coach, you won’t me...
Taking Back Control During The Pandemic - Carla Denham, Courtney Denham, Kevin Guillen
Over the course of this pandemic, there has been a mind-numbing volume of information thrown at us, some good, some bad, and some just plain stupid. We sit with Carla Denham, a board-certified psychiatrist and palliative care doctor, to discuss...
1,000 miles and -40º below 0 - Ryne Olson, Kevin Guillen
Most never dare to dream what a 1,000-mile race in arctic conditions with a team of dogs is like; others live for it. Ryne Olson, a 7-time competitor of the Iditarod and Yukon Quest runs us through the ins and outs of preparing her team, body, ...
Where My Dogs At? - Tony Peterson, Kevin Guillen
Tony Peterson knows dogs. He is an outdoor writer, hunter, and canine enthusiast who regularly shares related articles on Themeateater.com. He is enthusiastic about training and takes a strategic approach to both dog selection and lifestyle imp...
The Western Hunter Himself - Chris Denham, Kevin Guillen, Courtney Denham
Legends like Chris Denham don’t get that title just by being great at one thing. Producer and host of the best hunting show on TV, wordsmith, a straight-up killer, iron-jawed hiker, CrossFit athlete, elite father and husband, and a true salt-of...
Mark Denham, Courtney Denham, Kevin Guillen - Youth at the Helm of Outdoorsmans
Mark Denham - avid golfer, former US Marine, Western Hunter, and L1 CrossFit coach, is perhaps the youngest manager of any company in the hunting industry at Outdoorsmans. Youth in this line of work has its advantages and certainly its obstacle...
Episode 9 - Svalinn - Bred to Love. Trained to Protect. Kim Greene, Kevin Guillen, Courtney Denham
Ever wonder how it feels to have a protection dog with the training of a Navy Seal attempt to remove your arm? Well, I do, but there’s more to the story.Kim Greene, a true alpha female, is the owner and one of the founders of Svalinn - ...
Episode 8 - Frick & Frack Visit AZ with Todd Harney, Ben Britton, Kevin Guillen, & Courtney Denham
Spend enough time in the hunting industry and you begin to realize there is no curriculum or typical path that lands someone in the profession. Todd Harney and Ben Britton are two dudes who followed their passion and guts working for Kuiu, l...
Episode 7 - The Aging Athlete with Chris Denham, Mark Paulsen, and Kevin Guillen
None of us are immune to the realities of aging, but some of us are too hard-nosed to let it slow down the pace of our life. Mark Paulsen and Chris Denham are impressive examples of men who have taken ownership of their health, knowing full wel...
Season 1
Episode 7
Episode 6 - Josh Kirchner & Kevin Guillen - Becoming a Backpack Hunter
Josh Kirchner is as hard-nosed and blue-collar as they come. If there are two paths to take, he chooses the harder one if there’s more to be gained from it. In this episode, we discuss his evolution as a hunter in Arizona, how he discovered bac...
Episode 6
Episode 5 - Kristy Titus and Kevin Guillen
If you don’t know who Kristy Titus is, you’re either living under a rock or not paying attention to the people that are making a difference in the hunting and shooting community. In this episode we dig a little deeper into how she got started i...
Episode 4 - Growing Up Feral with Mark Paulsen and Chris Denham
One of the biggest battles we face today as we see it is the fear-based, “training wheel” world kids are being raised in. With two Millennials and two Baby-Boomers in the room, there’s a lot of ground to cover and no shortage of crazy stories t...
Episode 4
Episode 3 - Remi Warren - Heavy Pack Outs & Staying Wild Through COVID-19
Remi Warren is no stranger to the Wilderness Athlete tribe, but what you might not know is how he stays in shape for the mountain and how much spine-shrinking weight this man packs out every year running his outfitting business. We dive into th...
Episode 3
Episode 2 - Taking a Month Off of Work with Heather Kelly
Heather Kelly, the creator of Heather’s Choice Meals For Adventuring, sat down with us after getting off the river to tell us all the gritty details of a month rafting white water in the Grand Canyon. Inspired by her appetite for adventure, min...
Episode 1
Episode 1 - The Hunt, the Minds, and the Goal.
What better way to launch this podcast than to catch up with our founder Mark Paulsen to hear how this company, this team, and this lifestyle all began? We discuss the heart-thumping elk hunt that opened Marks’s eyes to what fitness meant in th...