Wilderness Athlete Podcast
For years we’ve had discussions behind closed doors, on the road, in meetings, and in hotel rooms that extend well beyond supplements. Well, it’s time to turn the mic on and hit record. Wilderness Athlete is far more than an outdoor nutrition company, it’s a way of life that’s personified by the complex personalities who are pulled by a spirit of rugged individualism, self-reliance, and the unknowns of wild places. Filled with adventure, wisdom, education, and humor, we’re going to bring you insightful dialogue with the rugged people who call themselves Wilderness Athletes.
Wilderness Athlete Podcast
"Euro Style" with Kevin and Pedro Ampuero
Wilderness Athlete
This episode of the podcast features one of our favorite people in the world. Pedro Ampuero is among the most extreme hunters alive today and has both the rap sheet and occupation to prove it as the manager of the European division of KUIU ultralight hunting.
He’s often referred to in our office as the “most interesting man in the world.” So crack open a cold Dos XX, lace up your running shoes, or set the cruise control, because this is gonna be a good one.