Wilderness Athlete Podcast
For years we’ve had discussions behind closed doors, on the road, in meetings, and in hotel rooms that extend well beyond supplements. Well, it’s time to turn the mic on and hit record. Wilderness Athlete is far more than an outdoor nutrition company, it’s a way of life that’s personified by the complex personalities who are pulled by a spirit of rugged individualism, self-reliance, and the unknowns of wild places. Filled with adventure, wisdom, education, and humor, we’re going to bring you insightful dialogue with the rugged people who call themselves Wilderness Athletes.
Wilderness Athlete Podcast
“Fit For Life” - Matt Hewett, Kevin Guillen
Wilderness Athlete
CrossFit Games athlete, Director of Athletic Performance at Tennessee Tech, and avid outdoorsman Matt Hewett drops some knowledge on us from his lifelong career of building muscle, endurance, and speed. Without a doubt, there are some invaluable tips to pull from this podcast that you can take into your own pre-season training.